A full-time specialist teacher, qualified in Gifted Education, runs an Extension Problem-Solving programme, replacing certain regular class lessons each week.
Members of the Extension groups are selected at the beginning of each year after a thorough assessment process involving all boys. As the year progresses, additions may be made to these groupings at the beginning of each term, identified via classroom-based evidence of need. All the groups are dissolved at the end of each academic year.
Extension Problem Solving lessons challenge the boys with rigorous learning experiences that extend them by way of above-grade-level, investigative, mathematical explorations. We do not academically accelerate students.
A mathematical enrichment programme also takes place in each class across Years Three to Six, providing one weekly lesson, focused on deepening conceptual knowledge, building problem-solving skills, and enriching the boys’ experience of real Mathematics.
In the Infants’ classes, the Learning Extension teacher leads a Maths group in the twice-weekly problem-solving lessons. Children develop skills at different rates, and so the membership of these groupings is flexible, allowing boys to move in and out of them, according to their demonstrated learning needs.
Extension opportunities at the School are also offered through Art, Music, Science and other extra-curricular activities.