Mathematics is the science of patterns and the art of making sense of those patterns and using them to solve real problems.
We deliver teaching programmes of thought-provoking mathematical pursuits, seeking to develop each boy’s conceptual understanding of mathematical processes and relationships, thus building his confidence, competence and reasoning abilities, so he can become an effective problem solver throughout his life.
Problem solving is at the core of each teaching unit, providing boys with mathematical studies that are based around engaging challenges. These challenges offer them time to investigate, manipulate, think, build knowledge, apply new concepts, practise skills, and deepen understanding, as they explore the application of mathematical relationships in the real world.
While we are committed to the importance of problem-based learning, we also value the strengthening of conceptual understanding that comes through the consolidation of fundamental skills and computation procedures.

Regular calculation practice and clear, precise setting out of written work are encouraged so that the boys’ solutions logically explain their mathematical thinking.