Music at Edgecliff
Music is embedded deeply into the history of the School and is central to every boys’ life at Edgecliff. The School is alive with the sound of music echoing throughout the corridors and across the playground, and provides the pupils with the experience of working with professional musicians on a daily basis.
The Music curriculum is built from the Kodaly and Orff pedagogies, with singing forming the foundation of all boys’ musical learning. Every boy has the opportunity through the Infants and Year 3 programme to learn string, percussion and wind instruments as part of their curriculum, and individual instrumental lessons are offered in all orchestral instruments.
There is an enormous number of ensembles on offer at Edgecliff, with orchestras, choirs, wind ensembles, chamber groups, Jazz ensembles, guitar, brass and flute ensembles all running regularly throughout the week. Boys also have the opportunity to partake in Taiko drumming, develop their composition skills through Composition Club, and extend their music theory in targeted Musicianship sessions.
The Music department regularly collaborates with St Ives and College Street, including bi-annual international Music tours and termly concerts. We also rehearse weekly with the pupils from Ascham as part of the Grammar Ascham Ensemble as part of the School’s Co-Educational Programme.