At Edgecliff we aim to develop fine young men who are creative, intuitive and sensitive to those around them. Our boys develop good hearts as well as sharp minds. In line with our Values based approach to the education of young boys, our Pastoral Care and Well-being Programme focuses on the care of all members or our community, building relationships and providing opportunities for boys to engage meaningfully with their environment.
Students are given a moral platform from which to explore their world and navigate appropriate choices. Actively teaching our School Values of Honesty, Respect, Curiosity and Resilience, guides our students with their moral decisions, and informs the attitude with which they approach their learning, engage in their relationships and live their lives.
Targeted programmes at each grade level support the development of social skills, resources to manage challenging experiences, community awareness, emotional buoyancy and leadership. Initiatives such as the HIP program, the Buddy System and School camps provide opportunity to practice these. Our House System allows boys to build friendships within their year group and across the grades, through sporting and social activities.
All students participate in these programs. Our school counsellor, learning support and learning extension teachers provide assistance to boys and their families who face more specific challenges or who require ongoing or more focused support.
Our boys learn the importance of compassion, ethical consideration and social responsibility, as they are supported in developing a capacity for optimism and resourcefulness.